In a bustling world filled with cramped apartments lacking proper air circulation, people live their lives amidst the chaos in today’s urban world, where open houses or independent houses with adequate ventilation are seen as a blessing. As a result, an increasing number of people are drawn towards investing in plot lands to experience the tranquility and luxury of such a lifestyle.
When it comes to purchasing land or plots, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the process. Navigating through the intricacies of land buying can be tricky, but fear not, as this blog aims to provide you with valuable insights and essential know-how. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions and ensure a successful investment in your dream property.
However, buying a plot may seem like a straightforward deal between a buyer and a seller, however, the reality is far more complicated. It is important to be aware of challenges such as widespread corruption, instances of multiple buyers, and individuals attempting to sell land with fraudulent documents. Before proceeding with such a decision, conducting thorough research and exercising due diligence becomes crucial to safeguard your investment. Buying a plot in India entails navigating a complex process that demands careful attention to ensure a secure and successful investment.
Let’s take a closer look at the key aspects involved in dealing with plots of land, emphasizing their importance:
1. Identity of the seller/brand :
When buying a plot of land, it is crucial to properly identify the seller. Verify their legal ownership through land records, cross-reference the seller’s identification documents, and ensure they have the authority to sell the property. Engage professional assistance if needed to authenticate the seller’s identity and protect your interests.
2. Valid documentation :
When purchasing a plot of land, it is essential to review and obtain valid documentation that suggests clear title ownership. This includes documents such as the sale deed, property registration papers, land survey records, encumbrance certificate, and any other relevant documents that establish the seller’s legal ownership and the absence of any disputes or liabilities on the property. Consulting a legal professional is advisable to ensure the validity and authenticity of the title documents.
3. Title deed :
When buying a plot of land, the title deed is a crucial document that establishes legal ownership and rights over the property. The title deed, also known as the sale deed or conveyance deed, is a legally binding document that transfers ownership from the seller to the buyer. It contains information such as the property’s description, boundaries, and details of the parties involved. It is essential to thoroughly review and verify the title deed to ensure its authenticity, accuracy, and absence of any encumbrances or disputes before finalizing the purchase. Consulting a legal professional is recommended to assist with the due diligence process related to the title deed.
4. NA order :
When investing in a plot of land, it is important to consider the NA (Non-Agricultural) order. An NA order is a certificate or clearance issued by the relevant local government authority, indicating that the land is deemed non-agricultural and can be used for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes.
Obtaining an NA order ensures that the land is legally authorized for development and construction activities. It is essential to verify the NA order to avoid investing in land that may have agricultural restrictions or face legal complications in the future.
Before making any investment, it is advisable to consult with local authorities or a legal professional to confirm the land’s NA status and ensure compliance with applicable regulations and permissions for the desired use of the land.
5. Receipts of Property Tax :
While buying plots of land, it is important to request and review the receipts of property tax paid by the seller. Property tax receipts serve as evidence that the current owner has fulfilled their tax obligations for the land. Reviewing these receipts helps ensure that there are no outstanding tax liabilities associated with the property.
It is recommended to thoroughly examine the property tax receipts and, if necessary, consult with local authorities or a legal professional to confirm the accuracy and legitimacy of the tax payments. This step helps protect the buyer from potential future disputes or financial liabilities related to unpaid property taxes.
Conclusion :
Investing in plot land is like adding a cherry on top, as it allows you to build your dream house exactly as you desire. It’s crucial to prioritize important documents such as the NA order, title deed, and property tax receipts, while also verifying the seller’s authenticity.
Plots in gated communities with ample open spaces offer a luxurious experience amidst the concrete jungle. If you’re looking to construct a farmhouse or an independent house, Eden Landmark presents a range of serene options in prime locations in Pune. Some noteworthy projects include Eden Escape City in Talegaon, Vintage City near Hadapsar, and First City in Chakan, India’s manufacturing hub. Invest today and get ready to enjoy a blend of comfort, convenience, and community, all in one irresistible package.